by sejon | May 6, 2020 | News
Sejon’s latest release ‘Contrasting Duality EP’, also marks the launch of his own imprint ‘V1’. Conceptualised to express consistent momentum within a techno mindset, V1 embraces hypnotic polyrhythms, loopy percussive grooves...
by sejon | Apr 10, 2019 | News
SEJON made his debut audio and visual show in Beijing over the weekend. Performing his SONIC FLUIDITY concept at the Three Shadows Photography Art Centre, during their festival weekend, gave SEJON an opportunity to share his music and visual creations, of which are...
by sejon | Mar 31, 2019 | News
SEJON witnessed BEN KLOCK drop one of his latest unreleased tracks towards the end of his two hour set at Photon in Printworks at the weekend. Having sent BEN KLOCK a demo earlier in the year, SEJON managed to capture the moment he dropped his track ‘Mental...
by sejon | Mar 14, 2019 | News
‘SONIC FLUIDITY’ is an audio-visual, hybrid show from UK electronic music artist SEJON. Developed from an intense interest in the visual phenomenon and resulting beauty of sound manipulating matter, SEJON combines his style of techno and ambient music with...
by sejon | Jul 16, 2018 | News
Sejon’s latest release comes in the form of two remixes for a record label close to his heart, Geushky Recordings. Delighted at the prospect of remixing for the label that had such an early influence on his pathway into techno, Sejon presented two versions of...